
The Purdah press-10 artists respond to democracy

What is democracy? How do artists respond to this notion, and does this differ from practitioners in other fields? In this proposal there will be given an outline for a curatorial project called DEMOCRARTCY. 

The underlying idea of the proposed project is the notion of democracy, which is currently a much discussed topic.
The project aimed at the production of a newspaper in which several artists were asked to give a response to the notion of democracy. Alongside the art works, several people from other working fields were interviewed about art and democracy.
The artists: Holly Bowler, Thomas Cuthbertson, Patricia Ferguson, Mustafa Hulusi, JCHP (Jeffrey Charles Henry Peacock) , Danica Maier, Gerard Williams, Eleni Zevgaridou. Curator: Danielle Bastiaens

The Purdah Press was handed out in Lincoln on General Election Day, 7 May 2015


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